Thursday, June 4, 2015


BUFFALO, NY, June 04, 2015- CALL TO ACTION Although passed by the State Senate, Bill A.355 has been stalled in the Assembly. Several key Democrat Assembly members are blocking the vote from getting to the floor. Although they have shown support for A.355, both Speaker Heastie and Majority Leader Morelle appear to have crumbled under pressure from some of their party colleagues. Heastie’s office in Albany claims he is undecided, and Morrelle’s office informed me that his position will remain private until after he casts his vote. These Assembly leaders, who were elected to represent us, are refusing to tell the public their stance on requiring doctors to be trained about the addictive medications they prescribe. Lobbyists for the medical association are frantically applying pressure for a NO vote. Physicians don’t want to be required to learn about the medication they are prescribing, and pharmaceutical companies want the good times to keep rolling. The time for action is now. The Assembly session closes in just 6 days. CALL THEM! EMAIL THEM! TELL THEM TO VOTE YES!!!!
Carl E. Heastie -- District 83 LOB 932 Albany, NY 12248 518-455-3791 Fax:518-455-4812 1446 East Gun Hill Road Bronx, NY 10469 718-654-6539 Fax:718-654-5836
Joseph Dispenza​ D. Morelle -- District 136 LOB 926 Albany, NY 12248 518-455-5373 Fax:518-455-5647 1945 East Ridge Road Rochester, NY 14622 585-467-0410 Fax:585-467-5342
Robin Schimminger -- District 140 LOB 847 Albany, NY 12248 518-455-4767 3514 Delaware Avenue Kenmore, NY 14217 716-873-2540
Kevin A. Cahill -- District 103 LOB 716 Albany, NY 12248 518-455-4436 Governor Clinton Bldg. Suite G-4 1 Albany Ave Kingston, NY 12401 845-338-9610
Steven Cymbrowitz -- District 45 LOB 824 Albany, NY 12248 518-455-5214 1800 Sheepshead Bay Road Brooklyn, NY 11235 718-743-4078

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